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Verifying Insurance Benefits

If you have Health Insurance and would like us to check on your benefits, you can copy the front and back of the card and email or fax it to us.


Or you can provide us with the following information by fax or email: 

  • Insurance Name

  • Name of Patient

  • Name of Insured if different from Patient

  • Patient's Date of Birth

  • Customer Service phone number from the back of the card

  • A phone number where we can call you back

Send us your insurance information by fax or email

Fax:     425-255-1066

We are contracted with the following insurances:


MONDAY        8:30am -7pm

TUESDAY        2pm -7pm

WEDNESDAY  8:30am -7pm

THURSDAY     2pm -7pm 

FRIDAY            8:30am -7pm

SATURDAY     8:30am - 12pm

CLOSED for Lunch 12-2pm


Office: 425.255.0427

Fax : 425.255.1066


17422 108th Ave SE

Renton, WA 98055

Located 1 mile up the hill east of Valley Medical Hospital

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